domingo, 5 de abril de 2015


¡PARA QUE SE UBIQUE Y PISE TIERRA! Carta de Obama en respuesta a Henri Falcón .

Dear Lord Falcon:

Thank you for your kind letter. I take this opportunity to send a message to all Venezuelans, to explain clearly the significance of the threat that the regime in power in their country - not the Venezuelan people - poses to the United States.

It is a threat that is derived from the relationship of the Venezuelan political regime with drug trafficking and terrorism, both links duly verified by the intelligence services of my country. Venezuela does not pose a military threat to the United States, that's obvious, nor is it our intention to invade its territory, an idea that exists only in the fevered imagination of the regime of his country. We know that the Venezuelan people are peaceful, as well as demonstrated in the past 15 years.
We fully understand that it is you who will have to solve its acute economic, social and political problems will be. To punish officials of the Venezuelan regime for actions that violate the human rights of their fellow citizens, we are not interfering in the internal affairs of his country, and that sanctions these officials apply to our territory and assets they may have in our territory and international banking system, of which we are an important part. Already in 2012 our country issued the call Magnitsky Act, to punish the Russian political regime officials for violations of a similar nature, so that our decision is not directed particularly to Venezuela manner.
Therefore, ask me, as you do, to repeal the decree that penalizes officials of the Venezuelan regime is out of the question. We do not take hasty decisions. It's like if I asked you to define its ambiguous position on the political system of their country.
The United States maintains an international defense of democracy and human rights. Therefore sanctions which concerns you should be applauded by lovers of democracy, rather than be seen as interference in the internal affairs of Venezuela. I remind you that your country is a signatory to treaties of international law that have constitutional force in your country. Equivalent to ignore them into a position of outlaw regime. Human rights have no borders, Mr. Falcon.
I appreciate your words about our discussions with Cuba, a country that comes back from the long night that his country insists on transit and whose government has requested our help to improve the economic situation of the island, based on the quid pro quo for democratization pari passu its political system.
Mr. Governor Falcon: As President of the United States of America I appeal to your sincerity as a Democrat to cooperate with lovers of democracy and human rights in the hemisphere in what must be the prompt return of Venezuela to the group of countries where the rule of law prevails.

Best regards,

Barack Obama

*Majestad en los Imperios

Note: This imaginary letter has been written by Gustavo Coronel, and under no circumstances is real or can be considered real.

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